Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to You !!

Well, in case you didn't know it's a lovely weather day here in Iowa. The wind is blowing about a hundred, and the wind chill must be all of 1. Even luckier, instead of no precip, we could get 5-8 inches. YEE HAA !! BBRRR. (Last year at this time we had missed 3 snow days already) Lucky for us we can send warm wishes on this your special day. I hope it's warm there. Do you have cake mix in the jungle?? or eggs? I needed to get your cinnamon roll recipe. It'll have to wait. Disney was a blast- warm too. I will get you pictures as soon as I get them. ok, cancel that, Kyla says you have seen them on her facebook. Cooper is currently jumping for joy because Dave will let him install his way old computer game on his way old computer. It doesn't take much to thrill him. I am practicing like mad today-piano.....for the children's program next week, and church tomorrow. I play about 10 songs (exxaggeerraattiioonn) but they are all the less known, unsung, ones. So,,,,,, I am possibly going to explode under the pressure. One of the children's program songs is the Charlie Brown theme- don't know if you've seen it or not but it has a different flat (or 2 or 3) in each measure since it 's that minor sounding key thingy. Holy cow- it's been a bit of a doozy to learn. I've left out about half of the notes! As long as I chuck out the melody for them- hopefully they'll sing loudly!

School is good- very busy- in charge of the reading celebration Mon. hope that all flies well. If you were here you could see the Harry Potter movie tonite. We might go- don't know if Cooper can sit that long and get / appreciate the conversations / drama building / darkness of it all.

Went to a meeting with GU prof's in Kan. City about becoming a Prof. Dev. School. It was interesting. I'll talk with you more about it later. Did you get conf. over with? Will life settle a little? Do you celebrate Cmas in school ? Take part in a posada will you?

I must go and help Ky make Cmas pretzels....I really do miss you. I think about you often and we pray for you daily. It's just that when 5:00 rolls around and I haven't checked my email yet- I am just pooped out. I can't remember half the things I was going to ask or say to you... blame it on an aging brain. I hope your day is sunny. I wish you lovely flower smells, a beautiful waterfall, and tropical loveliness. Did you see the waterfall yet?? ok- I'll quit rambling..... happy Happy birthday to you! ;You are much loved ! Sandy

Happy Birthday from Cooper

Hey Julie HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you sooo much. Have you had fun? I shure hope you have a good birthday!!!! I went to walt disney world,have you ever been to disney world? If so whats your favorite ride? Mine are Rockin Roller Coster and Space Mountain.Well have a good birthday!

Feliz cumpleanos!

Julieee :)

the most upsetting thing just happened to me. I wrote a post all out and then i clicked on the wrong thing and it deleted so i have to start all over...I'll try to remember it the best I can..
First off, I cant figure out how to make the squiggly line over the n on my computer or an upsidedown exclamation point so I am sorry that the feliz cumpleanos is not exactly correct.
But more importantly...Today is the most important day because its your birthday! (like I already stated on facebook). I do not know what I would do if this day did not exist. I know you being you might say, You probably wouldn't be any different because you wouldn't really know the awesomeness you are missing out on. Well, I don't care what you have to say, a life without Julie Elliott is no life at all.
It's weird to think that a year ago we were having a birthday party at pizza shack, where I'm sure Ash, Whit, and I didn't embarass you or Crystal at all, and playing the game of things, a completely clean version of course. But this year brings you new adventures and I hope that it can be the best birthday of all! I know it might be hard considering the fact that I am not there, but I'm sure you can figure something out :) Besides, Id much rather be in Honduras right now if I were you becuase we are under a blizzard warning, and snow, well snow is just awful.
Anyways, you are the most amazing person I know, and one tough bug! It takes a lot from a person to do what you are doing and we all admire you a great deal for that! I expect you to come back a changed woman...(which means go get a tattoo and a tongue piercing. After all, you are celebrating the big 2-7!)
Well, I was trying real hard to make this better then Trent's, but he made it rather difficult since he got you the sun and all. So I guess that now is a good time to tell you that I am actually God and I created Earth just so I could make you to live on it. Then I created Honduras so you could share your wonderfulness to them. I think that's better than the Sun, but then again, that's me.
I love you as much as my little arms can stretch (times infiniti) and I miss you the same. I cant wait until you come back, but I'm happy about what you are doing. I hope the rest of the year is as amazing as you are and you have some wonderful times. I can't wait to hear all about them when you come back while we eat some peanut m&ms and brownies, and possibly drink some milk, or diet pepsi. Enjoy the rest of the year as much as you possibly can!
Lots of Love and a very happy birthday!!
-Kyla :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Merry Birthday!

I cannot believe that it is your birthday already! Time flies (sometimes) and in its own way. Although some days seem like they go on forever, looking back, I usually wondered where they went to! This semester, so far, has been a long one. It seems like forever since I have seen you, and I miss the face to face 9 hour long convos that we share!! You are an awesome person. And an amazing person! I am so glad that you have been a part of my life - a big part! So, I hope that your birthday is the best day ever down there, and that you do get to go to beliz and spend it awesomely! You should definitely do something crazy!! Hey, so, for your birthday I was going to get you a new car, but then it was going to cost a trillion dollars to ship it, so I decided to just get you the sun. Yep, thats right, I bought the sun, and now I just gave it to you! Happy Birthday!! That has got to be the best present ever if we are talking about the size scale! There is one catch though... it was too hot to send it to you, or to even hold... so I decided that you can just enjoy its beauty from afar. I will also be checking on it to make sure that it stays nice and doesnt get ruined or anything! Honestly though, I would like to wish you a happy birthday - straight from my heart! Again, It has taken the utmost courage and faith to be in your shoes... and that is something special! thank you for being you, for being in this world, and for being a part of my life!!
and now, since everyone who has read this post knows how random i can be, I would just like to say once again, Merry Birthday!!!!
Take care Julie... You are always in my thoughts!!

Trent Ranney

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's the Little Things...


In the past year or so, you and I have bonded and become close friends. It is the little things that have brought us closer and connected us. When I have a pitty party, grumpy pants, or need advice, you always have a dose of reality with a serving of empathy and love. When I need someone to celebrate good news or exciting events - you are there.

You have a special place in my life. Afternoons on the Nine Eagles Beach with the boys, late movies shivering cold at my house, Santacalagon Days, Sunday mornings at church, trips to Des Moines- it's hard to fill the gap that you've left in my life this year. Fortunately, we haven't skipped a beat.

On this birthday I want you to know that your friendship has impacted not only me, but my family as well. While my boys don't always seem to express how their friendship and appreciation, it's because you are a regular, important part of their life. They are not the only ones you have touched. Your love for your students and the youth you mentor is inspirational. While I miss you so much and think about you daily, it makes me so happy knowing you are following a challanging path that God has led you to. I'm not sure if many people take time enough to listen to the response God has after we've asked him to guide us. You are amazing.

Happy Birthday. We love you.
Julie, Jaiden, Odin, Cannon, and Victor



Have a Happy Birthday!